I spent much of the weekend interacting on Taps as Makyo (an explicit post-op trans Arctic vixen) rather than Maddy (cis-female snep), and it was actually a ton of fun. It was super interesting to see the different ways that everyone, myself included, acted as compared to with Maddy.
I got a lot of random support on the trans front, including one person who paged me out of the blue to tell me I was awesome and they were so happy to see me out, and another who started a ridiculously cute clean scene because trans folks are just more interesting.
I also wound up having some more emotional conversations with some friends/crushes/squishes that led to us getting closer, I think just because the change in context got us thinking about what we mean to each other.*
It was also interesting to see the ways in which I change. Makyo is way less outwardly subby than Maddy, though certainly still into many of the same things. She comes off as a sub with switch energy, I suppose. My typing also changes. It's less cute and full of idiosyncratic mannerisms, though still fun in a lot of ways.
Maddy's not going anywhere, natch. She's still me in just about every way.
Just, Makyo is too.
- As mentioned previously, these aren't really going anywhere. I'm enjoying the keenness of emotions associated with crushes more than I think I'd enjoy any sort of relationship, and I get the impression that the folks I talked with were basically on the same page, in a “let's just enjoy liking each other, no need for anything else” sort of way.